Grupo Power has four graphic plants that provide all efficiency and agility needed to print prospectus and financial presentations.

The constant investment in graphic plants makes Power Financial a reference in safety and in meeting the deadlines required by the financial market.

In addition, through our global partners, we print and deliver in the main financial centers of the world.


Machinery and equipment with high technology enable on-demand production for your project.

  • Printing prospects for global stock offerings and debt issuances
  • Printing Pre-Deal Researches
  • Printing corporative material and Road Show presentations
  • Printing protocol proofs for CVM and ANBIMA
  • Printing reports and financial documents
  • Emergency production in 2 to 6 hours
  • 24/7 availability
  • Capacity of on-demand printing in Offset Paper
  • Lighter and thinner prospects


To meet the large numbers of your projects, we have a proper structure to obtain scale gains.

  • Printing prospects for global stock offerings and debt issuances
  • Printing Annual Reports
  • Printing 20-F Forms
  • Proxy Printing
  • Offset production in 24 to 30 hours
  • Capacity of high-demand printing in Offset Paper
  • Lighter and thinner prospects
  • 24/7 availability